
Code of Conduct

CONTINUZ APS is committed to the highest standards of integrity and sustainability. This Code of Conduct sets minimum standards for workplace and business practices for CONTINUZ APS and any supplier dealing with CONTINUZ APS, including subsidiaries, joint ventures, branches or affiliates.

CONTINUZ APS requires its suppliers and their employees to commit to this Code of Conduct as a condition of doing business. The Code of Conduct is global in nature and is consistent with the company’s values.

CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers and their employees are encouraged to report potential violations of, or raise questions about, this CONTINUZ APS and Suppliers Code of Conduct directly to CONTINUZ APS.

Labour and human rights

  1. Anti-discrimination

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its contractors shall not discriminate against any employee on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, union membership or any other legally protected characteristic in hiring and other employment practices.

  1. Combating harassment and abuse

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall treat employees with dignity and respect and will not engage in or permit corporal punishment or threats of violence. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall not engage in or permit harassment, whether based on gender, race, color, religion, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, maternity or any other legally protected characteristic.

  1. Preventing involuntary labour and trafficking in human beings

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall comply with all applicable regional/local anti-slavery rules, regulations and laws. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must ensure that all work is voluntary. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall not engage in human trafficking or use any form of slave labor, forced labor, bonded labor, contract labor or prison labor. Involuntary labour includes the transportation, harbouring, recruitment, transfer, receipt or employment of persons by means of threats, coercion, abduction, fraud or payments to a person in control of another person for the purpose of exploitation.

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall not withhold workers‘ original government identification and travel documents. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must ensure that workers‘ contracts clearly state working conditions in a language that workers understand. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must not impose unreasonable restrictions on freedom of movement in the workplace or in entering and leaving the facilities provided by the company.

iii. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must ensure that the third-party recruitment agencies they use comply with the provisions of this Code and the law. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers who recruit foreign contract workers either directly or through third party agencies are responsible for the payment of all fees and expenses exceeding one month’s expected net salary of the worker.

  1. Prevention of work by minors and protection of young workers

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers may only employ workers who meet the applicable minimum age requirements set by law, except that CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers may in no event employ persons under the age of 16, even if local law permits otherwise. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must also comply with all other applicable child labor laws according to local regulations. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers may employ young people who are older than the applicable legal minimum age, but under 18 years of age, provided that they do not perform work that may endanger their health, safety or morals.

  1. Working hours, pay and benefits

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers‘ factories shall establish working hours, wages and overtime pay in accordance with all applicable laws.

  1. Workers must be paid at least the legal minimum wage or a wage that meets local industry standards, whichever is higher.

  1. Freedom of association and collective bargaining

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall, to the extent permitted by law, freely permit workers to associate with others, form and join (or refrain from joining) organizations of their own choosing, and bargain collectively where a legally recognized right to do so exists, without interference, discrimination, reprisal or harassment. In the absence of formal representation, CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must ensure that workers have a mechanism to report complaints and that it facilitates open communication between management and workers.

Health and safety

  1. Working environment, safety and risk prevention

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall identify, evaluate and manage health and safety risks in the workplace through a prioritized process of risk elimination, engineering controls and/or administrative controls. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must provide workers with work-related, appropriately maintained personal protective equipment and instruction in its proper use.

  1. When CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers are on a CONTINUZ APS site, they must comply with CONTINUZ APS security policies and any site-specific requirements.

  1. Prevention, preparedness and response to emergencies

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must identify and assess potential emergency situations. For each situation, CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must develop and implement emergency plans and procedures that minimize damage to life, the environment and property.

  1. Incident management

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall have a system for workers to report health and safety incidents and near misses, and a system to investigate, track and manage such reports.

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must implement corrective action plans to reduce risks, provide necessary medical care and facilitate workers‘ return to work.


  1. Permits

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall maintain all necessary environmental approvals and registrations and follow the operational and reporting requirements of such approvals.

  1. Controlled substances

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must comply with the specifications for controlled substances and all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit or restrict the use or handling of specific substances.

  1. Waste management

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall strive to reduce or eliminate solid waste, wastewater and air emissions by implementing appropriate cost-saving measures in their production, maintenance and installation processes.

  1. Non-hazardous waste

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers shall manage, control, treat and/or dispose of non-hazardous solid waste, wastewater and/or air emissions from operations as required by applicable laws and regulations prior to discharge.


  1. Corporate Integrity

  1. Bribes, kickbacks and similar payments are strictly prohibited. This prohibition applies even if local legislation allows such activities. It is strictly prohibited for employees, CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers and agents acting on behalf of CONTINUZ APS to accept such remuneration under any circumstances.

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must comply with fair business, advertising, anti-trust and competition standards

  1. Disclosure of information

  1. Disclose to CONTINUZ APS information about potential conflicts of interest related to your activities as CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers, including disclosure of any financial interest that a CONTINUZ APS employee may have in your business

  1. Protection of intellectual property

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers must respect intellectual property rights and protect customer information. The transfer of technology and know-how must take place in a way that protects intellectual property rights.

  1. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers will comply with CONTINUZ APS’s request for a formal non-disclosure agreement upon request

Gifts and entertainment

  1. General guidelines

  1. CONTINUZ APS acknowledges that it is customary for some of CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers to give small gifts of nominal value or offer modest business entertainment to those with whom they do business.

  1. It is important that gifts and entertainment do not affect an employee’s business judgment or give the appearance that judgment may be affected. CONTINUZ APS and its suppliers and employees of CONTINUZ APS should be aware that the nominal value changes from country to country and follow the locally appropriate amounts.

  1. Guidelines for gifts and entertainment

  1. When doing business with CONTINUZ APS, a Supplier may offer gifts or entertainment for legitimate business reasons, provided that in each case the gift or entertainment: a. is in accordance with usual commercial practice
  2. does not take the form of cash, gift cards or securities
  3. is unsolicited
  4. is not a bribe, kickback or other illegal or illicit payment
  5. not be given in return for any form of consideration
  6. would not embarrass CONTINUZ APS or the employee if disclosed; and
  7. does not give the impression (or create an actual or implied obligation) that the donor is entitled to preferential treatment, to be awarded a contract, to better prices or to better conditions of sale.

  1. Violation

  1. Any CONTINUZ APS employee or supplier who violates the provisions of this section when conducting business on behalf of CONTINUZ APS risks the immediate loss of all existing and future business for CONTINUZ APS.