About Thomas Vestergaard

I am exceptionally good at one thing: creating opportunities.

Through 28 years of hard work, I have built the foundations for what Continuz is today: A company that digs itself deep down into the international market for our customers. Here we identify opportunities cf. the agreements we have made with our customers, proactively propelling them and their businesses forward.

I am driven to obtain the right solutions for Continuz’ clients. The value of our work must be felt clearly. That is why I am both professionally and personally committed to our projects. It requires creativity and ingenuity to find and land the right deals. The inspiration and ideas find me when I am active under open skies – either while walking in the streets of the cities or when I am on the bike riding along the mountain ranges of Europe.

I love my work. I can say with pride that it is in our commitment that you can feel the difference when working with us. The outcome is sourcing at its very best.

About the Continuz logo

Our logo builds upon thoughts that show the foundation of our company’s ideas. The wave in the middle represents water that shows the necessary dynamics of life. It is these dynamic connections that Continuz makes, and in that way, our service breathes life into the companies that we work with. Also, the attentive visitor will notice the Chinese Yin and Yang-symbol in our logo – let this element be open for interpretation by our clients.

Furthermore, the name of our company, Continuz, has its roots as a variant of the Latin continus, meaning persistence – a trait which we would like to see present in the difference we make.


The essence of Continuz


We will not simply say what you want to hear if we notice better opportunities. And if something requires your attention, we are not going to hide the problems from you. We speak our minds such that we do not only work towards the same goal but also towards the right goal.


Do you need us to work extra fast? We’ll do it. Are there suddenly untimely problems with a supplier? Then we will figure it out in no time as well. We often find extra space in our calendar for unforeseen needs and solutions.


We take responsibility – for both our clients and our surroundings (read more below.) At the same time, you can also easily hold us accountable if you find the need to do so. You will find that, at Continuz, accountability will not dissipate in a non-transparent organization.

Sustainability and FSC labeling

At Continuz, responsible consumption and production are paramount. For the same reason we are FSC certified (GFA-COC-003142-BP.) We want to take responsibility and actively develop our business to become more sustainable and take more social responsibility. Therefore, a collaboration with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is a natural step for us in this direction.

FSC is an international non-profit labeling scheme for wood and paper. FSC ensures that no more wood is felled in an FSC forest than the forest can reproduce. At the same time, FSC ensures that animals and plant life are protected and that the people working in the forest are trained and receive proper safety equipment and wages.

If you choose our FSC-certified service, you work with us to safeguard nature and the social conditions in the forests where the trees come from.

Sustainability and FSC labeling

At Continuz, responsible consumption and production are paramount. For the same reason we are FSC certified (GFA-COC-003142-BP.) We want to take responsibility and actively develop our business to become more sustainable and take more social responsibility. That’s why partnering with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is a natural step for us in this direction.

FSC is an international non-profit labeling scheme for wood and paper. FSC ensures that no more wood is felled in an FSC forest than the forest can reproduce. At the same time, FSC ensures that animals and plant life are protected and that the people working in the forest are trained and receive proper safety equipment and wages.

If you choose our FSC-certified service, you work with us to safeguard nature and the social conditions in the forests where the trees come from.

UN Global Goals

For a far more sustainable world

Continuz is actively working to ensure that our services comply with the UN Global Goals for sustainable development. We do this to promote a more sustainable future. We focus primarily on addressing the goals directly related to our everyday affairs. We have selected goals 3, 8, 12, and 13 as our focus areas. The companies we connect with are solely companies that we consider insufficient to comply with these goals. Read more about the UN Global Goals for sustainable development here.